PCFS Program Support

State of emergency supports

  • Piikani Child & Family services (pcfs)

    Dedicated to the Care, Protection, & Empowement of Our Youth

    State of Emergency Supports

    Agency Contact Number
    RCMP 403-965-2001
    AFTER HOURS 403-965-2000
    PIIKANI NATION FIRE & RESCUE/P.W. 403-965-3883
    AMBULANCE BAY 403-965-3936
    EMERGENCY AFTER HOURS 1-800-638-0715
    CANADA DRUG REHAB 1-888-245-6887
    PIIKANI KATOYISS CLAN 403-632-7054


    ALBERTA HEALTH SERVICES 1-877-303-2642
    HOPE & WELLNESS CRISIS LINE 1-855-925-4419

    PCFS Covid-19 Support

    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused considerable distress throughout the world and has been impacting our communities in many ways. Piikani Child and Family Services is committed to ensuring that our youth and families are supported throughout this challenging time. Below you will find access to a wide range of resources that are available to those who may be experiencing distress, anxiety, mental wellness effects, isolation effects, and uncertainty. Many of these resources including counselling and cultural supports (and other forms of treatment) are available via telehealth and/or on-line platforms. If you have further concerns which you need to discuss, please contact our office at: (403) 965-2390. Stay safe, wash your hands, and self-isolate when possible.

    PCFS Program Supports

    Find Below Various PCFS Supports (Crisis Suport/Phone Numbers/Online Chat Support)

    Crisis Lines Purpose Resource(s)
    Hope for Wellness Hope for Wellness HelplineProvides immediate, culturally safe, telephone crisis intervention, 24 hours a day, seven days a week in English and French, and upon request in Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktitut. Phone: 1-855-242-3310 On-line Chat
    Kids Help Phone Supporting youth 24/7 and through a partnership with We Matter, supporting Indigenous youth through text, phone and linking with youth programs. They have also developed a variety of resources related to COVID 19 among other topics. Phone: 1-800-668-6868 Text: 686868

    Indigenous Service Canada (ISC)

    Program Purpose Resource(s)
    ISC Community Guide Indigenous Services Canada's Community Guide on Accessing Additional Supports provides an overview of additional supports for communities related to the COVID 19 pandemic. Resource Link
    NIHB Mental Health Counselling Continues to be available and is being delivered via telehealth platforms. Resource Link

    Mental Wellness Teams continue to support communities in a variety of ways, including on-line and over the phone. In some regions, face-to-face meetings are still possible, but limited to emergencies only.

    Mental Wellness Teams Purpose Resource(s)
    First Peoples Wellness Circle (FPWC) are supporting MWTs by providing guidance material on how to support individuals, families, elders, and communities. Resource Link
    FPWC Continues to be available and is being delivered via telehealth platforms. Resource Link

    IRS Resolution Health Support Program (IRS RHSP) and support for those affected by the issue of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) continue to be available. IRS RHSP and MMIWG workers are following public health guidelines and mainly providing services virtually and by phone. Professional counselling for eligible IRS and MMIWG clients is also available at this time and can be provided virtually or by phone.

    Program Purpose Resource(s)
    Indian Residential Schools A help line provides services for former students of the Indian Residential Schools and their families. These services are accessible 24/7 toll-free (24/7 Toll Free) Phone: 1-866-925-4419
    MMIWG The support line for MMIWG provide immediate assistance, national and independent. The service is offered in English, French, Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut. (24/7 Toll Free) Phone: 1-844-413-6649

    Most federally-funded Treatment Centres have closed, but in some cases, counselling staff are reaching out to clients over the phone and on-line. Some centres are also exploring on-line options for aftercare and some have been providing care hampers to past clients, elders, and low income community members. Check with treatment centres to find out more. Treatment centres are also being supported by Thunderbird Partnership Foundation.

    OAT Sites are working with the medical professionals affiliated with their programs to make sure clients have continued access.

    Program Purpose Resource(s)
    Jordan's Principle Services continue during the COVID 19 pandemic. Resource Link
    Inuit Child First Initiative Services continue during the COVID 19 pandemic. Resource Link

    First Nations Specific Resources

    Program Purpose Resource(s)
    Assembly of First Nations Has a webpage dedicated to COVID 19 that includes a variety of information including tips and considerations around mental wellness. Resource Link
    First Peoples Wellness Circle Exists to improve the lives of Canada's First Peoples by addressing healing, wellness and other mental health challenges. They have developed a series of resources for a variety of audiences related to COVID 19. Resource Link
    Thunderbird Partnership Foundation Thunderbird Partnership Foundation's top priority is developing a continuum of care that would be available to all First Nations people in Canada, using the Honouring Our Strengths document as a framework. They have developed a variety of resources related to COVID 19, including several specific to substance use. Resource Link
    First Nations Health Managers Association Works on certification and professional development opportunities. They have pivoted to use their voice as another medium for COVID 19 messaging. They have been and will continue holding town halls related to COVID 19 that have featured topics such as mental wellness and youth. Resource Link
    National Association of Friendship Centres Focus on supporting Friendship Centres across Canada. They have developed a webpage with Indigenous resources that are from vetted and trustworthy sources. Resource Link
    Native Women's Association of Canada Has posted messages on COVID 19 and are helping connect people with their elders. Resource Link
    Expired Status Cards Best practices surrounding status cards during Covid-19  PDF Link


    Program Purpose Resource(s)
    Treaty 8 First Nations of Alberta Aas developed a website with links to a variety of resources related to COVID 19. Resource Link
    Confederacy of Treaty Six Nations Has developed a comprehensive website on COVID 19 including a webpage dedicated to mental health. Resource Link

    Youth Specific Resources

    We Matter focuses on life promotion and messages of hope and resilience.

    We Matter They have developed toolkits for youth, teachers, and support workers to help youth and those who support youth through challenging times. They also have a, mini-toolkit.This material is also available on USB keys which can be sent to communities, especially those with experiencing issues with connectivity. These toolkits are being used to support Indigenous youth during the COVID 19 pandemic.
    We Matter is also using their on-line platform to reach and support youth on COVID 19. For example, they continue to develop social media content (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) with supportive messages related to the pandemic. They hosted an Instagram live session on April 9th, 2020 to facilitate a discussion among youth about COVID 19.
    They are working with their youth representatives from their Ambassadors of Hope. program to link to communities around COVID 19.
    Canadian Roots Exchange Has set up the CREation Community Support Fund to support youth mental wellness during the COVID 19 pandemic through local solutions.

    ** Courtesy of ISC


    Snapshot for May 10th, 2020 - For a current map please CLICK HERE